$1,250.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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Please note this is a payment plan. You are committed to the full 6 payments. There are no refunds or exchanges on any one on one, group coaching, courses or events. There are NO exceptions.

SHIFT 2024 Six Consecutive Payments

This is a payment plan. You are committed to the full six consecutive payments. There are no refunds or exchanges on any one on one, group coaching, courses or events. There are NO exceptions.


Disclamer: You assume all responsibility and risk for use of the services provided by Jamie Graber and/or Organically, Jamie In no event shall Jamie Graber/Organically, Jamie or its owners, employees or affiliates be liable for any damages arising out of or in any way connected with your use of, delay in using, or inability to use the services.

You assume all responsibilities and obligations with respect to any decisions, advice, conclusions or recommendations made or given as a result of the use of the services, including without limitation any decision made or action taken by you in reliance on any Jamie Graber/Organically, Jamie, products or services. You assume all responsibility and risk for use of the services. There is no guarantee that you will achieve any particular results using the techniques and ideas provided in connection with the services.

All information provided in connection with the services is intended for educational and inspirational purposes only, for a general audience, and not as specific advice intended for an individual or business. None of the information provided in connection with the services shall be construed to constitute medical, psychological, financial, legal, or other professional advice. We urge you to consult with an appropriate licensed professional if you seek any such advice.


For more information, please see the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for this school.

What People Are Saying:

Finding Jamie and participating in her programs has been a Godsend. Her teachings have equipped me with the tools I use to ground myself and manage my grief. After my husband passed away, the guidance & support I have received from Jamie and the other SHIFT participants has been monumental to my healing. Her programs are a universal tool that anyone can apply to their daily regimen.

Monica O

In October, I fully manifested the home that was on the top of my manifestation list at the beginning of the year, and it is absolutely the result of the work I've done through SHIFT. Through vortex meditations, listening to Jamie’s thought process in manifesting her own apartment and applying it, we started looking the first weekend of Oct and signed the contract on Oct 29th. I went back to read the letter we wrote to ourselves in January. It's been so magical. I am in awe and super excited. We've all grown and expanded in so many ways, and now the outside matches.

Regina, Actress

I have been working with Jamie for a while now and I have to say: The work I do with her is unlike anything I have ever done before. She is incredible. Doing the work isn’t always easy but the breakthroughs you experience are worth every ounce of the work to get there. And for me to have someone to work with – to work through things that come up for me – is essential. You have such a gift, Jamie.

Melissa Wood, Creator, MWH Method